Pet Zoom Nail Groom

Categories: Pet Products


Pet Zoom Nail GroomThe Pet Zoom Nail Groom, from the some makers of the Pet Zoom brush, can comfortably trim and smoothsyour pet’s nails quickly, easily, and pain free.

It has a stainless steel filing disk that is curved so your pet’s nail rests on the plate. The tip and sides of the nail are trimmed at the same time.

The high tech and compact design of Pet Zoom Nail Groom allows it to easily fit into your hands. Plus it has a protective cover that catches fillings so you can trim nails easily and conveniently without any mess.

It is perfect for trimming the nails of your dog or cat whether they are big or small. Plus comes with a guide with procedures for safely trimming the nails of your pets, puppies, and kittens.

Pet Zoom Nail Groom is recommended by veterinarians for trimming the nails of pets.

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Order Pet Zoom Nail Groom now for just $19.95 plus shipping and handling and you’ll also receive the Pet Zoom Comb for free. Use it to conveniently comb and trim your pet’s hair.

Update: This offer has expired

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